Silent Scream (post-punk from Helsinki, Finland)

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  • ID: 126582803
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Silent Scream - финская постпанк-команда из Хельсинки, которая собралась на обломках двух других культовых готик-роковых и постпанковых групп Varjo и Suruaika. Среди источников вдохновения музыканты называют преимущественно британских артистов конца 1970-х и 1980-х, певших о паранойе и конце света. Если говорить о конкретике, то в музыке Silent Scream отчетливо слышны влияния Amebix, Killing Joke, New Model Army, Southern Death Cult, UK Decay, Play Dead, 1919, Swans, John Foxx, Kuudes Tunti, Musta Paraati и других темных героев постпанка и нью-вейва. Из описания на официальной страницы на Facebook: "Two tragic deaths within a year. Not the easiest start for a new finnish goth/post-punk band Silent Scream. The story goes back in 1996 when Antti Lautala and Henry Waldén formed a band called Varjo (a shadow in english). Varjo was influeced by gothic rock, post-punk and ambient but it differed from other gothic bands by the finnish lyrics. At the beginning of the 21st century Varjo was the most successful gothic band with finnish lyrics. After the third album there were changes in line-up but also a tragedy: ex-keyboard player disappeared and after a year and a half he was found dead. After those difficult times Varjo made new songs, supported New Model Army and was ready to record the fifth album. Two weeks before the studio Henry died in a fire accident and that ended the story of Varjo. Four months after the funerals the trio recorded the last album "Viimeinen näytös" and it was released in January 2010 (Stupido Records) After the recordings Antti, Matthew and Jukka decided to continue with a new band name and new songs. It was also natural to change the language and write lyrics in english. Silent Scream will go further to the core of post-punk with influences like Killing Joke, Amebix etc. In the same year 2010 Silent Scream released the debute album "In the Cinema" (Stupido Records). Outside Finland Silent Scream has played in Berlin and Moscow. They have also played as a support for Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance). The second album "Public Execution" was released in autumn 2012 and they played as a support for UK Decay in Helsinki. In 2016 Silent Scream releases their third album "Carrion Screaming". It is a collaboration with Stupido Records, Mass Media Records and Occult Whispers Records." Antti Lautala: Guitar & vocals. Matthew Pallasoja: Bass & vocals. Jukka Laine: Drums. Дискография: In Cinema (2010) Public Execution (2012) Bones from the Backyard (split with Murnau's Playhouse) (2013) Carrion Screaming (2016)