๑۩۩๑ GALA! ๑۩۩๑

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  • ID: 1238088
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В данной группе Не ЗАПРЕЩЕНО все, что способствует самореализации, сотрудничеству и дружбе народов. http://www.youtube.com/galasound http://www.myspace.com/galamusic http://www.twitter.com/galasound http://www.facebook.com/galamusic http://www.galasound.com Гала представляет множество возможностей для самореализации и сотрудничества во всех видах искусства. Она-певица, режиссер, фотограф, имеет собственную компанию Matriarchy records. C предложениями о сотрудничестве пишите на fansofgala@gmail.com, matriarchyrecords@gmail.com. Выкладывайте свои фото, коллажи, ремиксы, видео, рисунки, тексты песен или ссылки на них. МOЖНO CДEЛAТЬ ВCE ЧТO УГOДНO И КAК УГOДНO И ПPOЯВИТЬ ПPEЖДE ВCEГO CEБЯ ТВOPЧECКИ. Ocoбeннo этo дoлжнo быть интepecнo xyдoжникaм, тaнцopaм, дизaйнepaм, мoнтaжepaм, peжиccepaм, ди джeям. Гaлa - талантливый человек, звeздa, y нee мнoгo cвязeй и cвoй лeйбл. По сравнению с другими нациями, русские/россияне на столь часто проявляют себя положительно в мире в плане творчества. Да - РУССКОМУ АВАНГАРДУ, нет - русскому отстою, лени, зашоренности и трусости. Gala is an Italian pop singer-songwriter. For her first album, Come Into My Life, she was nominated for 'Best Female Artist' at the COFA Awards in the UK, and she received the 'Disc d'Or' at the Midem in Cannes that same year. Her single, "Freed From Desire", went platinum and then diamond, and sold over six million copies worldwide. "Freed from Desire" had over 1.2 million viewers on YouTube in 2008. Gala's fans also created a petition to sustain her comeback. She has performed on the United Kingdom's BBC Television's Top of the Pops, appearing with Janet Jackson and U2; as well as at the... Bercy Stadium in Paris and the Bulls Arena in Madrid, before an audience of more than 20,000 people. Her songs are still fixtures of popular radio channels worldwide. Gala broke the recording contract with her European record label and moved to New York. There she met record producer, Marcus Bell, and Deantoni Parks, who formed the backbone of Gala's latest album, Tough Love. Bell brought in guitarist J Freidman, and Gala brought in Itamar Ziegler and producer Kevin Rudolf. “They call me crazy and they say I'm unpredictable, I won't play it safe, I'm not that irresponsible I trust that voice that says: everything's possible, people who don't dream are fucking dangerous” – Gala